Acts of the Apostates
The Acts of the Apostates 19:25 - 28
And Schaap said, brethren, ye know that by our Nicolaitan craft of correcting the King James Bible with pagan Greek definitions we have our wealth and power. All over ye see and hear that not only at HAC and BJU, but almost throughout the whole world this Riplinger and Ruckman and Grady and Gipp hath persuaded and turned many back to believing the King James Bible is the inspired and perfect word of God and that we be not the gods of interpretation. And not only that, but now Greekspeak and Nicolaitanism is in danger to be set at nought, and the Greek Texts should be despised which all the Catholics, Evangelicals and most Fundamentalists worship. And the Schaapettes were filled with wrath and with one shrill voice cried out, "Great are our Greek and Hebrew study tools!"